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(as at Jun 14, 2007)


           List of Participants :


Katherine CARLITZ (Adjunct Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh)


John CARROLL (Associate Professor, Department of History, The University of Hong Kong)


Leo Tak-hung CHAN (Professor, Department of Translation, Lingnan University)


Wing-ming CHAN (Honorary Assistant Professor, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong)


Jo-shui CHEN (Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University)


CHEN Zhi (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University)


Yu-lok CHIU (Associate Professor, School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong)


Kai-wing CHOW (Professor and Head, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)


Richard L. DAVIS (Chair Professor and Head, Department of History, Lingnan University)


Frank DIKTTER (Chair Professor, Department of History, The University of Hong Kong)


Patricia EBREY (Professor, Department of History, University of Washington, Seattle)


Louise EDWARDS (Professor and Head, China Section, Institute for International Studies, University of Technology Sydney)


Ka-wai FAN (Lecturer, Chinese Civilisation Center, City University of Hong Kong)


Grace S. FONG (Associate Professor and Chair, Department of East Asian Studies, McGill University)


Clara Wing-chung HO (Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)


HU Ying (Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of California, Irvine)


Joan JUDGE (Associate Professor, Division of Humanities and School of Women’s Studies, York University)


Anne Behnke KINNEY (Professor, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of Virginia)


Dorothy KO (Professor, Department of History, Barnard College, Columbia University)


Arthur C. F. LAU (Emeritus Governor, McGill University)


Chak-kwong LAU (Assistant Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University)


Kwok-keung LAU (Professor, School of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Jen-der LEE (Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)


Lily Xiao Hong LEE (Honorary Associate, Department of Chinese Studies, The University of Sydney)


Angela Ki Che LEUNG (Vice-President, The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange; Research


Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) 


Wai-yee LI (Professor, Department of East Asian Cultures and Civilizations, Harvard University) 


Kar-kee LO (PhD candidate, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University) 


Kam LOUIE (Dean and Professor, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong) 


Weijing LU (Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of California, San Diego) 


Zongli LU (Associate Professor, Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 


Ricardo King-sang MAK (Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University) 


Eva Kit-wah MAN (Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) 


Susan MANN (Professor and Chair, Department of History, University of California, Davis) 


Lisa RAPHALS (Professor, Department of Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages, University of California, Riverside) 


Ellen WIDMER (Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, Wesleyan University) 


Timothy Man Kong WONG (Associate Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University) 


Ping YAO (Associate Professor, Department of History, California State University, Los Angeles) 


Robin D. S. YATES (James McGill Professor, Department of History and East Asian Studies, McGill University) 


Ching-kong YEUNG (Associate Professor, School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong) 


Sau-chu Alison YEUNG (Professor, School of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 


Jo-lan YI (Visiting Scholar, Faculty of History, Cambridge University; Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University) 


Hon-ming YIP (Professor, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 


Terry Siu-han YIP (Professor and Head, Department of English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University) 


Hongsheng ZHANG (Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University; Professor,


Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing University) 


Harriet ZURNDORFER (Associate Professor, Sinological Institute, Leiden University) 



           Observers :


Fiona Sze-nga LAU (Research Assistant, Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong)


Shing-ting LIN (Research Assistant, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica) 


SHAO Yi (PhD candidate, Translation Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University)


Julia STONE (PhD candidate, Sinology Section, East Asian Seminar, Free University, Berlin)


Carol Chiu Long TSANG (M. Phil. candidate, Department of History, The University of Hong Kong)


Kenneth Kai-chung YUNG (M. Phil. candidate, Department of History, The University of Hong Kong)

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