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About Us
The Hong Kong Baptist University History Alumni Association (HKBUHAA) was established on November 6, 2021. The HKBUHAA seeks to keep history alumni connected to one another, foster their success, and stay engaged with the Department of History.
We will regularly organise events for our alumni in order to provide opportunities for them to reconnect with the History Department. We will also serve as a dedicated platform to enable our alumni to give back to the Department through volunteering and mentoring. Your relationship with the History Department continues after you graduate, so be sure to visit our website for news, information, and benefits for being an active member of the Association.
The HKBUHAA could never have been established without the strong and farsighted support of Professor Clara Wing-chung Ho. The Association would also like to thank all the committee members for their time, effort, and dedication that have gone into this initiative.
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