Dec 7, 2015
Keynote Session 主題演講
Valerie HANSEN 韓森 The World in the Year 1000: the View from Beijing
CHEN Kuo-tung 陳國棟 明清時代(15-18世紀)中國航海家的優勢條件
HANEDA Masashi 羽田正 World/Global History and the Positionality of Historians
Panel 1 Early China and the World 早期中國與世界
LEI Chinhau 雷晉豪
The Emergence of Organized Water Transport in Early China: Its Social and Geographical Contexts
LI Kin Sum Sammy 李建深
Ancient Jade and Glass: Cultural Interactions throughout the South China Sea
Asiatic Echoes - Identifying Ancient Chinese Pictograms in North America
Steven LU 盧鳴
Panel 2 Geographical Explorations 地理探索
Charlotte REES Did Ancient Chinese Explore America?
Chao CHIEN 錢肇昌 Chinese Impetus of European Exploration
DING Jie 丁潔 張德彝和李圭——最早環遊地球一周的中國人
ZHOU Yunzhong 周運中 從牛津明末閩南航海圖看中日近代命運
Panel 3 Zheng He’s Voyages and Their Global Impact 鄭和下西洋及其全球性影響
ZHANG Zhigang 張志剛
CHWANG Leh-chii 章樂綺
Did Zheng He Voyages Confront the Scourge of Scurvy? Myths and Controversies
Sulia CHAN 林翠玉
Dec 8, 2015
Panel 4 Migration and the Chinese Diasporas 移民及海外華人群體
Pal NYIRI 尼日
Contextualising “Chinese Diaspora Studies:” A Global Perspective on New Mobilities
LIU Oiyan 廖藹欣
Evelyn HU-DEHART 胡其瑜
NG Wing Chung 伍榮仲
Panel 5 China and the World (I) 中國與世界(I)
Michael Wing-hin KAM 甘穎軒
Revisiting Chinese Pirates in the Ming Dynasty: From Global Perspective
Philip THAI 蔡駿治
Donna BRUNERO 游瑭娜
MA Jianxiong 馬健雄
The Road Getting in All under the Heaven Cosmology: The Zhaozhou Bazi Society in West Yunnan
Panel 6 The Maritime Silk Road and China’s Maritime Power 海上絲綢之路及中國海洋勢力
HAN Xiaorong 韓孝榮
LIN Yanying 林彥櫻
Not yet submitted 未呈交
LIN Ying Yu 林穎佑
Kent DENG 鄧鋼
Panel 7 China and the World (II) 中國與世界(II)
Ronald Chung-yam PO 布琮任
A Port City in Northeast China: Dengzhou in the Long Eighteenth Century
LEE Pui Tak 李培德
Catherine S. CHAN 陳家怡
At the Edge of Two Worlds: The Portuguese Diaspora in British Hong Kong
Panel 8 China and the World (III) cum Closing 中國與世界(III)暨閉幕討論
Kam-wing FUNG 馮錦榮
Jamie MONSON 孟潔梅
Work and Technology Transfer in China’s History of Development Cooperation in Africa
DING Guoqi 丁國旗
CHEN Duoyou 陳多友