Dec 7, 2015
Panel 1 Early China and the World 早期中國與世界
LEI Chinhau 雷晉豪
The Emergence of Organized Water Transport in Early China: Its Social and Geographical Contexts
LI Kin Sum Sammy 李建深
Ancient Jade and Glass: Cultural Interactions throughout the South China Sea
Asiatic Echoes - Identifying Ancient Chinese Pictograms in North America
Steven LU 盧鳴
Panel 2 Geographical Explorations 地理探索
Charlotte REES Did Ancient Chinese Explore America?
Chao CHIEN 錢肇昌 Chinese Impetus of European Exploration
DING Jie 丁潔 張德彝和李圭——最早環遊地球一周的中國人
ZHOU Yunzhong 周運中 從牛津明末閩南航海圖看中日近代命運
Panel 3 Zheng He’s Voyages and Their Global Impact 鄭和下西洋及其全球性影響
ZHANG Zhigang 張志剛
中日學者眼中的“鄭和下西洋”—以中國知網和日本CiNii上登載的論文為分析對象 (Not yet submitted 未呈交)
CHWANG Leh-chii 章樂綺
Did Zheng He Voyages Confront the Scourge of Scurvy? Myths and Controversies
Sulia CHAN 林翠玉
Dec 8, 2015
Panel 4 Migration and the Chinese Diasporas 移民及海外華人群體
Pal NYIRI 尼日
Contextualising “Chinese Diaspora Studies:” A Global Perspective on New Mobilities
LIU Oiyan 廖藹欣
Evelyn HU-DEHART 胡其瑜
NG Wing Chung 伍榮仲
Panel 5 China and the World (I) 中國與世界(I)
Michael Wing-hin KAM 甘穎軒
Revisiting Chinese Pirates in the Ming Dynasty: From Global Perspective (Not yet submitted 未呈交)
Philip THAI 蔡駿治
Donna BRUNERO 游瑭娜
MA Jianxiong 馬健雄
The Road Getting in All under the Heaven Cosmology: The Zhaozhou Bazi Society in West Yunnan
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)
Panel 6 The Maritime Silk Road and China’s Maritime Power 海上絲綢之路及中國海洋勢力
HAN Xiaorong 韓孝榮
LIN Yanying 林彥櫻
Not yet submitted 未呈交
LIN Ying Yu 林穎佑
Kent DENG 鄧鋼
Panel 7 China and the World (II) 中國與世界(II)
Ronald Chung-yam PO 布琮任
A Port City in Northeast China: Dengzhou in the Long Eighteenth Century
LEE Pui Tak 李培德
Catherine S. CHAN 陳家怡
At the Edge of Two Worlds: The Portuguese Diaspora in British Hong Kong
Panel 8 China and the World (III) cum Closing 中國與世界(III)暨閉幕討論
Kam-wing FUNG 馮錦榮
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)
Jamie MONSON 孟潔梅
Work and Technology Transfer in China’s History of Development Cooperation in Africa
DING Guoqi 丁國旗
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)
CHEN Duoyou 陳多友
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)
Papers to be presented at the Guangzhou Session
CHEN Weiguang 陳偉光
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)
FAN Guangxin 范廣欣
The Chinese Diaspora and its influence on the cultural development of Brazil
HONG Shihong 洪詩鴻
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)
LAI Chin-yi Jeff 賴進義
LAM Ngan Ting, Katy 林雁婷
“Retreat”of the Chinese State: Globalization History of Chinese state-‐owned entreprises in Africa
LI Tao 李濤
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)
LIU Jisen 劉繼森
LIU Kaizhi 劉開智
LIU Zhao Min 劉昭民
Ricardo K. S. MAK 麥勁生
The Search for Spiritual Inwardness in Modern Society: Zong Baihua’s (1897-1986) Aesthetic Vision
SHEN Minghao 申明浩
TAN Ta Sen 陳達生
Silk Roads, Cheng Ho Legacy and World Dream
YUNG Ying-yue 容應萸
The Global Migration of a Chinese Family: Kwan Yuen-cheung and his descendants
ZHANG Xiuqiang 張秀強
(Not yet submitted 未呈交)